Monday, January 21, 2013


Sometimes the world falls down around you.  You get distracted.  You screw up everything…  you get lazy, you miss deadlines, you break friends' hearts...  It is at that time you have to make a decision; whether to let it break you or forge you into something stronger.  

Tightening grip on the bar…  pulse racing…  rage manifesting…

I have made mistakes in my life…  mistakes which have cost me a lot of time, money, and friendships.  It doesn't matter if I say I'm sorry…  It doesn't matter how hard I work to make things right if I still fail…

Lift off…  weight bearing down…  muscles straining…

It's times like these that I find myself in the weight room.  The destroying me, a physical manifestation of my guilt… my fears…  my hate.  It's a dark place I go.  Bottled up within my mind, holding those feelings in to shield those around me. 

Sweat dripping… veins throbbing… muscles bulging… breathing labored… 

Then it snaps into place…  Wake the fuck up!  You're here right now, alive.  Get over whatever superficial crap that is going on in your head and lift!

Bearing against the weight, giving everything I got… The iron gives way as I pour everything into it.  One by one, the weight is lifted off.  Something is accomplished.  

The weight is racked…  the pain lifted off of my shoulders.  I'm left knowing this has made me stronger...    

Sometimes the world is a mean and nasty place, and it will do anything to beat and break you.  You will have failures, it's inevitable; however, SUCCESS is defined as getting up one more time than you have been knocked down.  Even with the weight of the world bearing down on you, shoulder your burden and stand up and keep moving forward.

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